3 taken to hospital after home invasion, shootings at Kitchener residence: Waterloo police | Globalnews.ca You better believe I’ll be watching this one. Home Invasions are rare, but show an increase in potential violence Kitchener Waterloo has never seen before. Home Invasions require a level of planning to pull off, and aggression up to and […]
Archive | Alarm System
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Back to Home Security – The New DSC
I haven’t talked about home security systems for a while. There’s a reason for that. The security world is changing, but not that much. It’s never been an industry that’s big on gimmicks, nor will it ever be. If you want an alarm installed in your home, it’s typically because you’ve been personally affected by […]
Creating Space – Securing Bubbles
I’ll be honest; I’m getting a little tired of all this personal space I’m getting. I never thought I’d miss those shoulder-to-shoulder crowds at concerts, or restaurants. I want desperately to go the grocery store and fight for my place in line with some 80 year old who is oddly aggressive with her cart. I […]
Electronic Locks – Alula Communicators
The YRL and YRD Yale electronic locks have recently ended up on the shelves of the Big Box stores, making these locks the number one option for those doing home automation. And honestly, good for them. For the record, we knew this was going to happen. We don’t know what will happen to the quality […]
In Your Head
So I think we’ve spent enough time trying to show home owners how to protect themselves against criminals. I mean, really, you’re either gonna protect yourself or your not. Hopefully home owners realize that you don’t have to be a target to get robbed, you don’t have to be rich to be a target, and […]

Trust, and how to keep it
Something I have learned from writing a public blog is that everyone has an opinion on how a public blog should be run. Everything from fun fluff to strong advice pieces gets its share of praise and criticism, and while all opinions are welcome very few of them hold any clout. The reality of the […]
Buyer Beware
Do you need an alarm? Watch out for pressure sales.

Technology Progression – Locks
Believe it or not, I’m not ready to post about the Romans yet. So much of this old, historical information is contradictory that speaking with any confidence of accuracy is difficult. Out of frustration I actually turned on YouTube and listened to a livestream of one of my own personal favorite writers doing a Q&A. […]
Inviting Them In – Overusing Social Media
I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge my own use of Facebook as a way to both talk about my own goings on, and a way of keeping up with others. It’s not like we don’t know privacy is a thing. There are times when we’d just rather have the attention. This is gonna sound […]

Probably Never Happen – Really
There are some things you just can’t plan for. Some things should really be replaced. Some people really want in. And dumb will be dumb. Inevitably, stuff happens. When setting up security, it’s really up to you to decide how much protection you need, and what you think you need to protect against. If someone […]