So there’s this device we’ve used for a while now called a Connect2Go. Anyone doing anything with alarm system networking knows what it is. Many of our customers know what they are. It’s nifty and easy to use and adds a lot of value to an existing alarm system. We also have this device […]
Archive | Helix
RSS feed for this sectionAutomation vs Security Control
Yep. Here we go. Welcome to my soapbox. This is the part where my hours of reading, testing, interviewing and communicating come into play. This is gonna be a short article. The reality of this situation is that we have one side, the home automation side, telling us that security and home automation control can […]

First Run Automation
So let’s talk locks. As in, locks as part of home automation. I’ve been experimenting with our new toy over the last couple of days. You probably saw the little starter video on our Facebook page. Yes, it does lock. Yes, it also unlocks. All the little features you’d expect are there, including the audio […]
Self Keying? Not for us thanks.
You run a business. You probably have employees. Or tenants. Or contracted staff. Or a combination of all of those. You also have multiple rooms. Some of those rooms are more sensitive than others. Some of those rooms are private. Some of them are occupied by tenants, some are used by employees, and others are […]
Access Control 2 – Z-Wave
It’s been a bit since I wrote anything here. We’ve been paying a great deal of attention to the Z-Wave compatible devices we can use with the Resolution panel and it’s getting in the way of the creative process. Which is fine, actually, because our focus is on your locks and those are kind of […]
Access Control 1 – Homes
We aren’t quite at our home automation portion of the Helix roll out yet, but we’re getting there. Resolution is constantly adding new products to their home device lines. The engineers over there must be cyborgs or something. Would explain a few things…. It’s time now to talk about access control, though. This is a […]

RE920-Upgrade without Upgrading
So you have this 20 year old beast of an alarm system in your home. In twenty years you’ve had one service call, one false alarm, and you are so familiar with the system you probably know it better than the installing company does. In fact, you’ve probably been approached by the installing company or […]

Being Smart with Smart Devices
We’re Busy Our lives are busy, of that there can be no doubt. Between work, social media, kids, relationships, education… no matter what it is it all comes down to the same thing. Our time is not our own. And even when it is, we don’t feel like it is. Most of us consider our […]
The Alarm Network – Telegraph
So a long time ago, in a galaxy not so far away, there was something called a burglar alarm. It was created to help home owners do things like secure their homes from burglars, and it looked like this; And they worked. Well. With police in short supply and criminals all over the place (this […]
Adding Breadth – Protection Beyond Burglars
When You Want that Added Peace of Mind Security brings it’s own level of peace of mind, as knowing you are secure lets you enjoy wherever you are without worrying about your home. But there is more to worry about in your home than just intrusion. Environmental concerns bring some challenges for home owners. Some […]