
Resolving Security

    Remember them? That’s the proud family that’s making it’s way out into the world right now, plying it’s trade as the best security/automation system in North America right now. It’s moving with you, all over Canada. Into your apartments, townhouses, homes and businesses. We explored it’s basics here. Most important, it’s making sure you’are […]

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Service Is King

We’ve been around since the early eighties. I think we’ve beaten that to death. There are times I get tired of hearing it to so I promise you… I will try to not belabour the point too much from here out. Except for right now. Customer Service is an ever changing sector in businesses, because […]

How to Open a Hole In Your Home

Home Automation with Security would have you believe that this is a pony; This is a dog; And really, it has you believing it. Until you don’t; If you’re confused, you’re not alone. Home alarm shopping has gone from simple, to a Dog and Pony show. As always, we can answer your questions through our […]

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The Helix Effect

Meet the Helix; It’s a pretty little thing, isn’t it? We think so. It sits on your desk, or your floor… maybe a table or beside your tv. It hooks up to your internet and talks to your smartphone. It doesn’t talk back, and it minds it’s own business. All around, the Helix is a […]

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Security Lite

So last night, knowing this was going up today, was an interesting experience. H&B Security has been around since 1980. The number of hands involved in making this company successful is innumerable. Some of those hands are still with us, some have passed or moved on to other opportunities. All of them have left a […]