Locked Down
Yeah, I know. We’re sick of these words. I’m sick of these words.
First off, I just want to say that we want to say thank you. Thank you to vast majority of people in the Region of Waterloo. I’ve seen you following every guideline mandated by Health Canada in an attempt to end this. Whether you believe in the virus and are doing it for health, or don’t and are doing it simply to not get arrested, fined or shamed, we don’t care.
Thank you.
We knew when this started there would be an uptick in security requirements for our clients. Those who never thought they needed it now find they need it, and those who needed it before want more. It was expected.

What we didn’t know was how long this would last, or how far the restrictions imposed would go. Tell ya what, sitting around the office wearing a mask and attempting to maintain a six foot distance while also wiping down all the surfaces and STILL being productive… it’s been interesting and challenging.
We’re lucky though. We have a strong group of employees who have been flexible and proven themselves capable of operating efficiently and safely even in the touchiest of conditions. Which is good, considering we operate in ALOT of touchy situations.
It’s been interesting to say the least. Sad to see so many healthy businesses fold, seemingly overnight. Heartening to see others rise to the occasion, even grow and have their value suddenly recognized. Fascinating to listen, read, and even participate in some of the dialogue found both online and in person. Amazing to watch and learn about how the Medical field, Widescale Media and society at large interact to get stories out into the open. Perhaps the interactions are, at times, contentious and even funny. This is one of those times where the flaws in our communication structures are highlighted. We need to work on that.
I wish we’d filter science from fact a little better, but we appear to be learning. Science is, after all, what is used to prove and disprove theories as right and wrong. Science is not fact itself. Once something is fact, it is no longer science. Therefore, trust the science is not a thing. Trust the facts science proves to us… that’s a thing.

As a group of people who have been out there, securing the region for the duration of this crisis, we have noticed the efforts of all citizens of the Region of Waterloo. Thank you. Don’t let anyone shame you into thinking you’re failing. The science is not complete. There are very few facts. There are simply opinions. Even our experts, leaders in their fields, are operating with educated OPINION. Some of them are not very good at explaining their thoughts even though they are way more valid than anyone else’s.
And that’s what makes this hard.
Here’s the thing, though. We live in one of the smartest, most diverse, and tech-savvy areas of the planet. Would anyone be surprised if the solution to Covid-19 was found in Waterloo Region?
No. In fact, I’d be more surprised if it were found anywhere else.
As always, we’re here to provide any level of security you need for your home or business. We continue to explore upgrades to camera systems allowing for temperature tracking and bio-resistance surface coverings for locks and doors, but still remain as dedicated as ever to keepings your perimeters and interiors monitored and secured.