Multi-Zone Activation

As previously announced, Waterloo Regional Police have modified their response methods in an effort to eliminate unnecessary call-outs. Similar to their request for 911 to be kept free for emergencies the Region, and it’s alarm dealers, are working together to free up police resources, and to improve the accuracy of alarm call-outs. You can find […]

Convenience and Security

So. How do we do this? How do we make a home both more accessible and less accessible… at the same time? Security systems, at their core, are designed to restrict clear access to a living/working space to anyone not authorized to be on the property or inside the premise. They can be used as […]

WRP Response in 2020

We recently received word that the Waterloo Regional Police have been approved to move away their current registration model to what’s called a VARP model, VARP meaning Verified Alarm Response Program. In the past, alarm system owners have had the option to pay a small fee to have their alarm registered with the WRP. Benefits […]


Police Registration

A lot of questions surrounding Waterloo Regional Police registration this year. Trust me. We get it. It. Sucks. Waterloo Regional decided years ago that any home with an alarm system was to be registered as having an alarm system in order to receive prioritized response and one free false alarm response per year. As the […]