I haven’t talked about home security systems for a while. There’s a reason for that. The security world is changing, but not that much. It’s never been an industry that’s big on gimmicks, nor will it ever be. If you want an alarm installed in your home, it’s typically because you’ve been personally affected by […]
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So I think we’ve spent enough time trying to show home owners how to protect themselves against criminals. I mean, really, you’re either gonna protect yourself or your not. Hopefully home owners realize that you don’t have to be a target to get robbed, you don’t have to be rich to be a target, and […]
Openers – Position Matters
So, this is gonna be a short post. It’s been awhile, again, but sometimes some things need to be said. Let’s start at the beginning; This is a door; When the door opens, it rests at a 90 degree angle from the door frame, covering approximately 39″ of wall, like this; These are things that […]
Touching on Drones
I had a very interesting question today from an individual curious about drone technology, specifically why drone technology and camera technology used difference transmissions for their wireless applications. The answer is relatively simple. Power. Drones use Radio frequencies to transmit between themselves and home base. Radio frequencies have some pretty lofty power requirements, and while […]
4K – What You Need To Know
There’s this “new” technology out there right now called 4K. The resolution itself has actually been out for quite a while, it simply hadn’t made it’s way into the public’s hands until very recently. In an earlier post we talked a little bit about camera quality, and how while many monitors and DVRs are capable […]
AC Hobbs and the Impossible Locks
So. I’m taking a break from history for a bit. As pretty as they are, I’m finding very little in the way of useful developments from the Romans to Medieval locks. The really interesting stuff starts at Joseph Bramah and Jeremiah Chubb around 1850. See, in 1770 a man named Joseph Bramah invented a lock […]
The History of Locks
So. We’re gonna start here, because it makes the most sense to start at the beginning. Note to the reader: This topic is huge. Massive even. I’m going to do this in parts, or no one would see me for about a month. While we should note that the earliest example of a lock and […]
The Heirarchy in My House
So. There are some nights you just don’t sleep that well. Looks a lot like this; 11:30 pm 12:00 am 12:15 am 12:20 am 12:12 am I think we can agree, that’s pretty normal. Eventually sleep just kind of takes over. Unless, of course you have an animal. 12:30 am 12:35 am Yep. That’s […]
Inviting Them In – Overusing Social Media
I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge my own use of Facebook as a way to both talk about my own goings on, and a way of keeping up with others. It’s not like we don’t know privacy is a thing. There are times when we’d just rather have the attention. This is gonna sound […]
Probably Never Happen – Really
There are some things you just can’t plan for. Some things should really be replaced. Some people really want in. And dumb will be dumb. Inevitably, stuff happens. When setting up security, it’s really up to you to decide how much protection you need, and what you think you need to protect against. If someone […]